Friday, March 2, 2007

Forever in a day

Ever feel like you just lived your entire life in one day? Like Everything that made sense before that day was just summoned up in a ball of forgetfulness?
Or you do your best and it goes unnoticed. Or you do everything you can to be noticed and people pass you by like your not even there? I wonder if there is a word to place all of these feelings into.
There is this song I sing now and then by Sarah Groves called Skin and it goes:

The butterfly can just look back flap those wings and say oh yeah
I never have to be a worm again.
The snake gets tired of being him he wriggles from that itchy skin
Leaves it lying where he's been and moves on
I'm still longing for something tangible
Some kind of proof that theres been a change in me
Feels like I have been waking up
Only to fight with the same old stuff
Change is slow and it feels me with such doubt
Come on new man where have you been
Help me wriggle from this self I'm in
and leave it like a skin upon the ground.

Wow that song is my I need a change immediately song.
Let's just say lately, doubt and confusion and worry, and self motivation, and the desire to do be more then I've known, is taking over me and I don't know if it's a good thing or not.
The bible talks about assembling yourselves together... but I don't have anyone to do that with. I love everyone at church, but I need someone my age. That I can relate to.
I wish sometimes that I could run away from myself. Which I know is entirely impossible. But still.
Back to reality.


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